Communications Committee

Consist of a maximum of six members including the Chair, The Editor of The Retired Teacher and the RTO Website Co-ordinator. It supports the RTO by managing the production of the The Retired Teacher Newsletter and the updating of the RTO website. They promote engagement, share updates, and ensure clear, consistent messaging across various platforms, fostering strong connections between members and the broader community. The Communications Committee adheres to PIPEDA guidelines, and performs other duties assigned by the Executive.

RTO Communications Committee:
Standing (Left to Right): Mike Knowles,Judy Knowlton, Lesley Smith
Seated (Left to Right): Colin Campbell (Webmaster), Tammy Landry (Chair – 2024-2025), Glynda Wimmer (Newsletter Editor)

Chair 2024-2025, Tammy Landry

Newsletter Editor, Glynda Wimmer

Webmaster, Colin J. Campbell

Member, Mike Knowles

Member, Judy Knowlton

Member, Lesley Smith

Contact a Communications Committee Member

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Mandate of the Communications Committee

The RTO Communication Committee has the overall responsibility for the production of The Retired Teacher and the RTO website

The RTO Communication Committee is expected to:

  1. Co-ordinate the collection of news items, committee reports, and other articles for The Retired Teacher editor and the RTO webmaster.
  2. Recommend to the RTO Executive the names of editor and webmaster for yearly appointments.
  3. Act as a sounding board for the editor and webmaster on content for The Retired Teacher and the RTO website.
  4. Recognize that there are other areas of communications within the RTO that are the responsibility of others including, and not restricted to, media contacts, productions of handbooks and brochures.

Generally the RTO Communications Committee shall:

  1. Consist of a maximum of six (6) members to include the editor of the Retired Teacher, the RTO Webmaster and an RTO executive Member who will act as Chair.
  2. Understand that due to the nature of the work more than one member may have to serve more than one year.
  3. Report directly, through the Chair, its recommendations to the RTO Executive.
  4. Have its members selected by the RTO Executive.
  5. Follow the PIPEDA guidelines.

RTO Newsletter Editor:

The RTO Executive shall appoint, on a year-to-year basis an Editor for The Retired Teacher. Previous experience with local and/or provincial newsletters would be an asset, as would a working knowledge of desktop publishing. The successful candidate must be a retired teacher and RTO member.

The responsibilities of the Newsletter Editor include:

  1. Oversee the preparation and submission of material for each issue of the Retired Teacher.
  2. Liaise with NSTU publication staff to ensure that the publications are printed and circulated to members as scheduled.
  3. Approve publication deadlines to meet the publication dates as established by the Executive and RTO Communications Committee.
  4. Publish information as directed by the RTO Executive and RTO Communications Committee.
  5. Peruse other Branch RTO newsletters to be aware of issues and information that may be relevant to RTO members.
  6. Solicit and accept articles of retiree/senior-appropriate material for publication.
  7. Determine the acceptability of material submitted for publication – at times in consultation with the RTO Communications Committee and-or RTO President and Executive.
  8. Attend other meetings as determined by the RTO President – example: Branch President Meeting.

The RTO Newsletter shall contain:

  1. A President’s message in each of the issues.
  2. Space for the RTO Legacy Foundation.
  3. A Change of Address form in at least one issue.
  4. A Member Application form as well as a list of Branch Presidents and Executive in every issue.
  5. A Space for ACER-CART and the Seniors’ Advisory Council of Nova Scotia in each issue.
  6. A Space for a report from Pension and Benefits Committee.
  7. Pertinent AGM material in the issue preceding the AGM.

RTO Webmaster:

The Provincial Executive shall appoint a Webmaster on an annual basis.

The webmaster shall:

  1. Revise and update the RTO website.
  2. Publish information as directed by the RTO Executive and RTO Communications Committee.
  3. Advise the Executive/RTO Communications Committee on matters concerning the website.