Programs Committee
The Program Committee, comprising up to five members including the Chair, supports and monitors key programs like Advanced Care Planning, Branch Initiatives Grant Program, Carepath, and RTO Symposium Day. It organizes a provincial RTO Symposium Day every two years, promotes member participation to address social isolation, provides updates through newsletter reports, and performs additional duties as assigned by the Executive
RTO Programs Committee:
Front Row left to right: Jo-Ann Cuvelier, Cindy MacKinnon (Chair)
Back Row left to right: Margie MacNeil, Hank Middleton, Linda MacNeil
Chair 2025 – 2025, Cindy MacKinnon
Member, Margie MacNeil
Member, Jo-Ann Cuvelier
Member, Hank Middleton
Member, Linda MacNeily
Contact a Programs Committee Member
Please complete and submit this form to contact a RTO Programs Committee Member.
Mandate of the Programs Committee
- Be chaired by a member of the Executive
- Consist of members as determined by the Executive
- Report through the chair its recommendations to the Executive
- Organize/coordinate programs and/or workshops, as determined by the Executive
- Report, to the Executive, on programs and/or workshops held
- Perform such other duties as determined by the Executive.