Membership Committee

The Membership Committee, consisting of up to five members including the Chair, ensures the RTO maintains an accurate database and establishes protocols for recruiting new retirees. It adheres to PIPEDA guidelines, updates the RTO Wall, and surveys branches on their activities. The committee provides membership updates through newsletters, coordinates with Branch Presidents, reviews membership forms, and recommends promotional merchandise. Additionally, it ensures retirement kit materials and documents like “Benefits of Membership” are accurate and updated, while fulfilling other tasks assigned by the Executive.

2023-2024 Membership Committee: 
Front Row(Left to Right): Dave Jones, Diane Davis Back Row(Left to Right): Maureen Duffy-Mason, Kathy Evans, Hugh Fraser (Chair)

Chair, Hugh Fraser

Member, Dave Jones

Member, Diane Davis

Member, Maureen Duffy-Mason

Member, Kathy Evans

Contact a Membership Committee Member

Please complete and submit this form to contact a member of the RTO Membership Commitee.

Mandate of the Membership Committee

The Membership Committee’s responsibilities are to:

  • Ensure the RTO has an accurate and current data base.
  • Establish the fundamentals for an annual recruitment of members, both new retirees and existing retirees.
  • Maintain and update the RTO Wall as it reflects our current Executive, Committee members and ongoing branch activities.
  • Periodically survey RTO branches on their operational and social activities.
  • Provide up-to-date membership information via the RTO newsletter.
  • Have the Committee Chair or designate update Branch Presidents on membership issues at provincial meetings of the Branch Presidents.
  • Annually review the membership application forms with a view to making recommendations, if appropriate, to the Provincial Executive.
  • Follow PIPEDA Guidelines